Thursday, June 10, 2010

MRI Update

As some of you already know...I got the MRI results back and they are completely normal! This doesn't necessarily mean that there are no problems (my Mom's Multiple Sclerosis went undetected on MRIs for about 12 years) but for now the doctor here thinks we have no reason to worry. I will follow up with more doctors appts once back in the States, but for now I'm just going to focus on enjoying the rest of my time here in Chile. That starts this weekend--I'm going to Mendoza, Argentina for a few days with a few friends. Besides the excitement of adding another stamp to my passport, I am excited about the drive. We are taking a bus and to cross the border we will drive through the Andes (the mountain range creates the natural border between Chile and Argentina). Especially with all the recent snow on the mountains, it should prove to be a beautiful drive. Also the exchange rate in Argentina is a lot more forgiving than it is in Chile, gracias a Dios! Anyway, for now I'm just relieved the MRI was okay. Now just waiting for the feeling to come back in my leg...ha. Thank you all for your throughts, concerns, and prayers!
Love from South America,


  1. SO thankful!! Have an amazing time in Argentina, love!

  2. you GO girl! keep that positive attitude and look in your email inbox for quite a few surprises!
